Promotion Yard Sign

Let the world (well at least your neighborhood) how proud you are to have a 8th grade moving on up to high school. Order a yard sign HERE

Promotion T-Shirt

This is a way we showoff our 8th graders. A t-shirt with their class year on the front and signatures of all the class on the back.

it take a crew to design the shirt, collect signatures and sizes then sort them for distribution. This is where you sign-up to help with time and talent. This is where you donate money.

Promotion Dance

This is the last of the send off activities. A dance just for the 8th graders immediately after the promotion ceremony.

The PTO co-hosts the dance with student council. It is a fun night decorated to match a theme. There is a DJ, a photo booth, and pizza. The 8th graders do not pay an entrance fee, we want all of them to enjoy. That happens because you signed-up to help with time and talent. Thank you for your donate of money.


Teacher Appreciation Week

